This Day In History: November 1

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On This Day in History, November 1, The British Parliament passed the Stamp Act against the American Colonies in 1765. This unpopular tax would eventually lead to the American Revolution and independence for the colonies. On November 1, 1938, Seabiscuit upset the horse racing champion War Admiral. This was said to be the match of the century in horse racing. On November 1, 1993, the European Union was established. Finally, on November 1, 1512, Michelangelo unveiled his Sistine Chapel to the world for the first time. Michelangelo painted over three hundred figures, while he was laying on his back on sixty foot scaffolding. The paintings and figures were based on the Book of Genesis. Although it may have caused strained eyes and a sore back for Michelangelo, to the rest of the world it was a masterpiece. That is what happened in history on November 1.

Also on This Day in History November | 1