A Year In History: 1878

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This Year in History:


Discover what happened in this year with HISTORY’s summaries of major events, anniversaries, famous births and notable deaths.

February 19

Thomas Edison patents the phonograph

The technology that made the modern music business possible came into existence in the New Jersey laboratory where Thomas Edison created the first device to both record sound and play it back. He was awarded U.S. Patent No. 200,521 for his invention—the phonograph—on February 19, 1878. READ MORE: 6 Key Inventions by Thomas Edison Edison’s invention […]

August 13

First victim of Memphis yellow fever epidemic dies

On August 13, 1878, Kate Bionda, a restaurant owner, dies of yellow fever in Memphis, Tennessee, after a man who had escaped a quarantined steamboat visited her restaurant. The disease spread rapidly and the resulting epidemic emptied the city. Yellow fever, which is carried by mosquitoes, originally came from West Africa and was brought to […]