8 Essential Gadgets From the 1980s That Are Now ObsoleteAs decades go, the 1980s had more than its share of iconic technology, from Walkmen to VCRs to pagers. Most innovative gadgets and entertainment devices of the Reagan era have since become obsolete, but they paved the way for a new generation of 21st-century items such as cell phones and voice-activated household appliances. Here are […]Read more
14 Popular Dolls From 20th-Century AmericaThroughout human history, children have played with and cared for dolls. Miniature facsimiles of human beings have been found around the globe from all periods of history, using all kinds of materials. They range from carved wooden paddle dolls discovered in ancient Egyptian tombs to scarily realistic soft vinyl dolls programmed with artificial intelligence—and everything […]Read more
How Toys Changed After World War IIWorld War II gave rise to countless innovations that would change American life for decades to come—from the rugged Jeep, to mass-produced penicillin, to the terrifying atomic bomb. But, ironically enough, few U.S. industries were more profoundly affected by the war than the toy business. Not only were toy and game designers and makers able […]Read more
5 of the Most Influential Early Video GamesHome video games may seem like a contemporary phenomenon, but they actually have roots that go back to the Truman administration. That’s when computer scientists began tinkering with electronic machines to construct basic automated games, such as the pioneering “Bertie the Brain,” an ingenious 13-foot-tall, tic-tac-toe-playing computer showcased at a Canadian national exposition in 1950. […]Read more
How G.I. Joe Jump-Started the Action Figure CrazeIn the late 1970s, smaller ‘Star Wars’ action figures took over.Read more
Five Pop Culture Trends That Helped Shape the 1980sAmerican popular culture in the 1980s reflected larger social, political, technological and media trends, from the rapid spread of cable television to the cultural peak of suburban malls. Here’s a look at five pop culture trends that heavily shaped the “Me” decade. Women’s Power Dressing Shoulder pads. Oversized double-breasted suits. The floppy silk “tie.” On runways and […]Read more
The Surprising Origins of 7 Classic ToysMany childhood memories include hours spent molding Play-Doh, or watching a Slinky glide down the stairs, or marveling at the transfer of a newspaper comic to a simple wad of Silly Putty. But those famous novelty toys didn’t start out as products intended for kids. Failed experiments, re-imaginations and unexpected inspirations are behind the story […]Read more
10 Ways Americans Had Fun During the Great DepressionDesperate times call for creative measures.Read more
Barbie’s Secret Sister Was a Sexy German Novelty DollBild-Lilli was risqué—and just what Barbie inventor Ruth Handler was looking for.Read more
How the Great Depression Became the Golden Age for MonopolyWhen times got tough during the Great Depression, people played board games—especially the game that’s all about making money.Read more
These Vintage Hot Wheels Toys Are Worth Thousands of DollarsFor the first few years, they originally sold for less than a buck. Read more
The Game Clue Was Borne of Boredom During WWII Air-Raid BlackoutsBefore Professor Plum, Miss Scarlett and Colonel Mustard gathered on a game board to claim their first victim—wielding a revolver, a rope or a lead pipe—a British musician named Anthony Pratt was watching murder-mystery scenarios unfold in European country mansions, where he played piano. Long before that game board became a global multi-million-seller and was […]Read more